Hello world!

Hello there…..blogging 101 says introducing myself and telling you why Im here is the right thing to do…so…here I am!  Not the most thrilling beginning I know…

Was trying to think of words that best define me at the moment – migrant ( or is it immigrant?  never really figured out the difference), married, never been this lonely in my life, feeling fat ( ha ha, yes I am a woman!), happy, sad, confused…

Plenty of friends..but never talk about the bad stuff…hence the blog…think Im doing this mostly for very selfish reasons…hoping that  getting it all out in writing will be therapeutic in some weird kind of way…and aware of the very real possibility that Im probably not the only one in this situation or feeling this way…hoping my random thoughts help someone else realise they are not alone either…

Dont get me wrong…im not suicidal, or broke or living on the streets, im not abused or oppressed…just  a normal person with a normal life…